By popular request from those of you who attended our mini-conference, we have posted the optimization of mind and body piece here:

As to requests about the "Zen" state when it comes to trading, the quest to find inner peace when trading has been echoed by legendary futures trader Ed Seykota numerous times in his trading career. Indeed, he is the only trader I know of that has turned a long list of traders into superstars over his career. He calls his method the Trading Tribe Process, or TTP. If you're interested in learning more, you might first read up on TTP: 

Then read and apply what Ed Seykota writes in his extensive FAQs here: 

It's organized by date. When someone emails him, he posts his answer in this FAQ forum.

Because they have helped so many traders as well as non-traders, trading tribes have sprung up all over the world.


Thanks for making Saturday's mini-conference and trader's dinner a huge success. We enjoyed seeing all of you. It was a real honor to spend the day and evening with everyone discussing market strategy. 

It was also a nice surprise to have Bill O'Neil's childhood friend, Fred Richards, attend. His closing speech was inspirational. He has expressed interest in presenting with us in the future.

The conference presentation PDF file is available here: