In 2012, our pocket pivot reports have on balance managed to well outperform the major market averages (please see archives here

Further, our market direction model was able to outperform in 2011 which goes down as the most challenging year on record due to its trendless and highly volatile nature. The trend following wizards, on the other hand, finished the year down, with many in negative double digit percentage territory: and the state of trend following shown here:


Overall, in this era of quantitative easing which began in early 2009, since March 12, 2009 (the day we started tracking 3-times ETFs TYH and TNA) to February 27, 2012 (present day), the Market Direction Model has performed as follows:

NASDAQ Composite: +97.47%

TNA (3-times Russell 1000 Technology): +528%

TYH (3-times Russell 2000): +565%