Dr. K's Crypto-Corner

by Dr. Chris Kacher

Riding the Revolutionary Rocket with Cryptotechnologies... Entirely Evolutionary™

The crypto winter is thawing as I noticed certain coins made it through my proprietary screens on March 1. Reports were sent out to members. This was the first time in almost a year such had happened on the BUY side. Prior to this, it was all about shorting bitcoin (or at least reducing or eliminating your exposure to cryptocurrencies).

We then sent a VSI Voodoo report on bitcoin on March 18, 2019. This was followed up by a comprehensive report on why bitcoin's low on December 15, 2018 was a major bottom, as opposed to the commonly view held at the time that bitcoin would need to retest lows well under $3000.

Here is how the crypto picks have performed so far based on the use of proprietary quantamental techniques.

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