The last time gold dropped below its 200-day moving average was August 2008.
Investors have become conditioned to the effects of the U.S. Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing actions in 2009 up to the present, more or less, which have been observed to produce grinding liquidity-induced increases in asset prices of all stripes, including stocks and commodities.
Read the full article here.
In The News
Dr. Chris Kacher and Gil Morales discuss quantitative easing, precious metals, and the general markets as well as potential industry groups and stocks for 2012, and take calls from listeners.
Gil Morales and Dr. Chris Kacher discuss some of their predictions for 2012. Things will get worse before improving and there is a potential for another type of sell-off or at least continued choppy consolidation for the first part of the year. The breakdown in gold is likely signaling another liquidity crunch. In the Summer the market should begin to discount the 2012 election, and a new bull phase could begin. We would look for an “inflection point” for economic policies as a result of the election and new leadership. Unless the European Central Bank and the Fed come up with a major new source of QE, their forecast for the start of the year holds. In a new bull market, we would look at the social networking space to provide a fertile field of potential new leadership.
Dr. Chris Kacher talks about the Occupy Wall Street Movement, what the employment statistics really mean (or don't mean), and why the worst is yet to come and what you need to do to both build and protect your assets.
Chris Kacher is amazingly talented. He was a child piano prodigy and then worked as a scientist helping produce major breakthroughs in nuclear physics. But his passion is trading.
Like his colleague Gil Morales, Chris is a protégé of William O’Neil, the legendary investor and author of "How to Make Money in Stocks". Along with Morales, Chris is one of the few to have traded O’Neil's own funds as an in-house money manager...
Chris spoke with Your Trading Edge’s Ben Power about how he delivered his amazing returns, his raft of market research discoveries, and the influence of William O'Neil.
We were joined by Dr. Chris Kacher and Gil Morales on January 30th where they educated our group on two of their strategies in trading. They will share with you their latest research on how to use pocket pivots and buyable gap ups in order separate leading stocks from the laggards.
For more details and to download a copy of the recording, go here