We believe that successful investors are those that learn to think for themselves. Ultimately, investing is a personal journey where one can aspire to and achieve personal growth as well as financial growth. Arming investors with the tools, methods and guidance they need in service of this process, and doing so at a reasonable price is our goal.
Together we have over 52 years of hands-on investment experience at the highest levels in the investment field. Our combined, accrued experience has resulted in a large body of research on the market that is continually evolving as we observe and adapt to changing market conditions.
We share our research and current developments with members so that they can benefit not just from any profits accrued via our stock and ETF selection, but so they can understand how to fish for themselves. To paraphrase the old saying, give an investor a fish and they profit for a day, but teach an investor to fish and they can profit for a lifetime.
90% of fund managers cannot beat the S&P 500. We challenge the status quo with our early-entry stock entry point strategies discussed below, in our FAQs, and in our report archives. We believe that our methods and techniques give investors a material edge in a market environment where standard technical analysis becomes obvious to the crowd very quickly, thus losing its effectiveness.
You can also take control of your investments if your time is scarce by simplifying investing with the Market Direction Model™ (MDM) which focuses on playing market trends with leveraged and non-leveraged index ETFs. So even if you have little time to watch the stock market, you can make money during these challenging times.
We make the process simple. You will receive emails on a regular basis. It is then up to you to decide whether to act upon the information or not.
We also have an extensive Q&A database that members can utilize as a reference tool for better understanding our methods, optimizing their personal trading psychology, and fine-tuning their own investment strategies. Some prefer to buy on weakness, others on strength, but our methods can be used in conjunction with either approach, with the caveat that some market conditions will favor one style over another. We offer buying and selling guidance as we see market events unfold.
Risk averse? Entry points in these stocks typically carry less than 2% risk. Subtitled, "Offbeat Ideas and Commentary from the Depths of Gil's Trading Notes," this report features unorthodox ideas and set-ups, including "voodoo," undercut & rally, Wyckoffian Retest, and other unusual long set-ups that filter through Gil's "oddball" screens. Members taking this service will receive intraday, real-time email alerts of offbeat stock ideas as well as short thematic pieces that are published from time to time but with no specified schedule or publication interval. With input from Dr. K as appropriate, Gil will explain some of our thinking regarding these types of stock set-ups along with any relevant commentary on the general market. Entry points may be well off price highs, and fundamentals may also be secondary, compared to stocks discussed in our other reports. Here are some examples.
This is the original home of the pocket pivot buy point. This buy point was observed by Dr. Chris Kacher in 2005 when the sideways choppy markets of 2004-2005 were making base breakouts fail. Buying pocket pivots are to our advantage because they get us into a stock early often before it breaks out of its base. It also enables us to add to a position in a winning stock. Such stocks often have multiple pocket pivot points as they move higher. We offer guidance on when to buy and when to sell.
More recently, as a result of our current, up-to-the-minute research, the arsenal of pocket pivots has expanded to include "roundabout" and "bottom-fishing" pocket pivots, five-day pocket pivot clusters, and pocket pivot voodoo set-ups. As the markets shift and evolve, our methods follow suit, as we work hard to stay ahead of the curve in order to gain an edge in difficult or unusual market environments.
Undercut & rally entry points occur when a stock undercuts a prior significant low in its chart pattern then rallies above that low. Such patterns help keep risk to a minimum so your risk is just a couple percent or less should the market falter.
Stocks with strong fundamentals and technicals that are gapping up will be flagged. We discuss the conditions for buyable gap ups in the FAQ section 'keyword: buyable gap' and in our books. We offer guidance on when to buy and when to sell. Unusual buyable gap-ups, such as "bottom-fishing buyable gap-ups," are a derivative of buyable gap-ups but are covered as offbeat ideas in the VoSI VooDoo Report.
This report is a compilation and reference list of stocks for which Pocket Pivot or Buyable Gap-Up Reports have been issued. On occasion a stock will be added to the Focus List based on other criteria. The Focus List Review roster of stocks is not intended as a "buy list" or a list of immediately actionable recommendations. Stocks on the list may or may not be in proper buy positions, and investors should exercise discretion and proper judgement in determining when and where stocks on the Focus List can be purchased. Here are some examples. Each weekend we review actionable names within the list, or the conditions under which any of the stocks on the Focus List would become actionable to help guide members in their own investment decision-making.
This service will be of most use to those who have little or no time to watch the stock market. We make the process as simple as possible. Emails will be sent to you with precisely what ETFs to buy. The type will depend on market conditions.
Dr. K created the algorithms in the early 1990s as a nuclear physics Ph.D. student at the University of California at Berkeley. This work eventually became his Market Direction Model™ which discerns and identifies trends based on the price/volume action of the major indices and leading stocks. These algos are continuously refined to help improve their ability to identify buying and selling pressure that ultimately signals the start of a new market trend.
This service will provide guidance on cryptocurrencies I believe will outperform Bitcoin as well as vehicles such as ETHE (tracks ethereum). Exit points may be provided in exceptional circumstances, though in general, you must use your own risk tolerance levels to know when to sell. Most members use moving averages to guide their entries and exits. One can use the 10d and 20d moving averages for fast moving altcoins to capture the meat of their move when they are trending. Here are some examples of previous reports and some examples of Dr K's cryptopicks.
You must also do your own due diligence in terms of how to buy various cryptocurrencies and how to properly store your coins. Google key terms to learn how to do so. There is a vast amount of information available.
Understand all risks since the volatility of these cryptocurrencies well exceeds the volatility of any stock. Storing your coins on an exchange carries the risks of getting hacked, though such risks continue to appreciably diminish as the cryptospace matures.
The technical action in bitcoin (BTC) is relatively clean. BTC is a major guideline in terms of the direction of the whole crypto market. I utilize a number of variables such as cryptometrics, technicals, and macro to sense major directional changes in the price of bitcoin.

We will email you in real-time any stocks we believe can be shorted. Gil Morales is one of the best if not the best at short selling individual stocks as his audit shows. His triple digit percentage return in 2001 was due primarily to selling short individual stocks. He also nearly doubled his account in May 2010 during the infamous “Flash Crash” of May 5, 2010. In bear markets, there are liable to be a larger number of quality short-sale set ups. We provide guidance on the actionability of short-sale set-ups as they occur, and our methods enable members to determine optimal cover points based on their own objectives for the position and personal risk-preference.
The 'Market Lab Report' provides our analysis on stocks and the markets. We also may include special edition Market Lab Reports as needed that cover market psychology, thematic developments among leadership areas of the market, discussions and analysis of the macro-economic and market view, and basic trading tips, among many other topics that would otherwise fall outside the purview of our other report services. The Market Lab Reports are designed as a general forum within which we discuss our thoughts about and approach to the current market environment, including the thematic basis for actionable stock ideas. This is not a one-way, "bull market only" service, as we will provide actionable short-sale ideas during bear markets. We believe that the trend should always be your friend, whether bull or bear.
In this service, VoSI founders Gil Morales and Dr. Chris Kacher (Dr. K) will discuss the current market conditions and individual stocks in real-time, or near to real-time (e.g., after the close), via live GotoWebinar.com presentations. presentations. Because VoSI operates under an SEC Publisher’s Exclusion, it is beyond the scope of the website to provide personalized investment advice. The webinars are designed to provide a forum for members to ask individual questions within a group format. We also often discuss trades in real-time, covering in detail our thinking on the trades in a “live action” format.
Generally, webinars are conducted once a week, but additional webinars may be scheduled if market conditions warrant. Members can attend these webinars live via GotoWebinar.com or view via a private webinar link where VoSI will post video recordings of the presentations within a few hours after their live conclusion.
Subscribers will get a sense of how Gil and Dr. K implement their broad range of market techniques and specific methodologies in real-time. To further benefit subscribers, open Q&A sessions will follow each main webinar presentation and discussion.
To subscribe, go here.
This website gives investors access to the continuous, real-time thinking of two experienced traders who have studied, employed, and written books on all aspects of the methodologies and philosophies espoused by William J. O'Neil (CANSLIM™), Richard Wyckoff, and Jesse Livermore. We have synthesized these methodologies and philosophies into our own work, and in the process, have derived our own original methods and techniques which we refer to as the "OWL" methodology.
We believe we can help members not just profit but also improve their skills as individual investors. Should you have little to no time to follow the stock market or have no interest in reading about it, then our two market timing services would be the best fit. See our report archives for actual email examples of each service. Feel free to email us with any questions you may have.
As former portfolio managers for William O'Neil + Company, Inc., we have had wealthy individuals offer to pay us several thousand dollars to sit down with either of us for a single day, one-on-one, and watch how we implement our methods in real-time. But as with Jesse Livermore, we prefer to trade alone, so this idea has had little appeal to us. That said, we showcase our thinking on this site so others can learn from our experience. This includes any adjustments we may have to make to our own trading since the only thing that never changes when it comes to stock markets is change. One such adjustment has been switching to buying on constructive weakness instead of on strength. This minimizes risk in a market that has had trouble developing any meaningful uptrends.
Members will receive immediate email notifications. This way, you can receive the signal change on your computer, your phone, or your PDA in real-time. Non-members can view a history of email updates with a time delay.
Many have asked exactly how we buy, pyramid, and sell stocks. We discuss some of our buying and selling strategies in the Archives/Articles section of the website in the article "Making Over 18,000% in the Stock Market in 7 Years." Returns discussed in that report were verified by the big four auditor KPMG. But change is the only constant when it comes to markets, so we have adjusted our strategies to the current QE-manipulated market environment discussed in our weekend reports such as this one.
- Decide how much capital you wish to invest using the timing models or the actionable stock reports or both.
- It is advisable to avoid investing in a timing model signal mid-signal. Wait until the next signal.
- If buying a stock, read our Weekend Reports in the Past Reports section to understand that we prefer in many cases to buy on constructive weakness within the stock's chart pattern.
- See our VoSI Focus List in the Past Reports section. You can use this as your watch list. This list is by no means complete but represents what we think are the best candidates given the numerous screens we run on a daily basis.
- Have a look at the FAQs. You can search for specific topics using the keyword search bar.
We believe successful investing is not about being on the bull side or the bear side, but on the right side. Our strategies can help shed light down the often dark and treacherous pathways that are part and parcel of investing in the stock market.
Best Wishes for Successful Investing,
Dr. Chris Kacher
Managing Director
MoKa Investors, LLC DBA Virtue of Selfish Investing
Gil Morales
Managing Director
MoKa Investors, LLC DBA Virtue of Selfish Investing