Chris Kacher says keep following the Fed in March, and don't let the news derail your investment plans if you have a good thing going.
In The News
Chris Kacher and Gil Morales talked with Bloomberg's Dave Wilson on Feb. 22 about trading advice and their book "Trade Like an O'Neil Disciple: How We Made 18,000% in the Stock Market."
Crisis in Libya and Egypt and their effect on the markets. Leading stocks getting hit hard on news from Libya. Market direction model switched to neutral as a result. Look to potential short sale set-ups and obey your sell stops.
Spring is fast approaching, and while a young man’s fancy may turn to thoughts of love, savvy investors would be better served by turning their thoughts to stocks that are new to the garden and ready to grow from fledgling “shoots” into blooming market flowers. Read the full article here.
Spring is fast approaching, and while young people's fancy may turn to thoughts of love, savvy investors would be better served by turning their thoughts to stocks that are new to the garden and ready to grow from fledgling “shoots” into blooming market flowers. Read the full article here.
Gil Morales and Chris Kacher discuss how stocks are still upward trending because of valuations, and whether or not silver is still a good buy.
Quantitative easing has prevented the NASDAQ Composite from selling off more than -10%. Leading stocks disappointed in October 2010 and in January 2011. After October 2010, the strongest stocks issued pocket pivot buy points that were profitable. Since January 2011, leading stocks have been slow to issue buy points. Have the patience to wait for the right buy point. All it takes is one good stock to make all the difference in one's performance. It's all about how you handle your winners, and always cut your losers short. And never let ego get in the way. As we know, some people would rather be right than be rich.
Chris Kacher talks about nuclear power and the misconceptions surrounding the dangers of nuclear power. While he acknowledges that the nuclear crisis in Japan is a tragedy, he opines that the "situation is not as bad" as it is being portrayed in the media. To that end, he cites a nuclear engineer from UC Berkley who believes that the current high levels of radiation are "unlikely to be a long term health hazard, because these levels will drop." On the dangers of nuclear power, in general, Chris notes that all of the plants around the world constitute 14,000 cumulative years of operation and that the Japanese crisis accounts for only the third disaster. He contrasts this with coal power plants, which he calls the "silent killer," because they cause far more health problems, but take years for their effects to become apparent.
Chris Kacher and Gil Morales take listener stock picks and evaluate companies and sectors on the fly.
Chris Kacher and Gil Morales talk about timing the markets.
In a world awash in fiat currencies, many investors have turned to silver and gold for protection. Read the full article here.
New highs or double top? We'll know soon. It was a quiet start to the week. But this may be the calm before the storm. The market could go either way in the days ahead. "Either we're going to break out to new highs or this is going to turn out to be a double-top." Either way, we should know in a few days, and that will give investors some insight into what they can expect for earnings season.
Gil Morales and Chris Kacher talk about how to time the markets. They also take stock picks and provide real time analysis of listeners requests.
Dr. K has been asked to present a talk on buy points at the upcoming Money Show in London on April 9.