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Dr. Chris Kacher and Gil Morales to give seminar on "Two Key Weapons in Our Arsenal of Buying Techniques"

Dear Trader:

With the Fiscal Cliff deadline just weeks away, plus a $16 Trillion Federal Deficit...you may be asking, "will any of this impact my trading?" We've asked 5 expert traders to come and share with you their best knowledge for trading, regardless of the economic turmoil. Find out what new high probability setups you could be trading now...and into 2013.

Can't attend? You can attend live, or download the recording. Either way, you'll come away with priceless knowledge that you can apply immediately to see real improvements in your trading. Here's what you'll be learning:

11:00 AM/CT to 11:30 AM/CT - Dr. Chris Kacher and Gil Morales of virtueofselfishinvesting.com on "Two Key Weapons in Our Arsenal of Buying Techniques"

Dr. Chris Kacher and Gil Morales will conduct a half-hour primer explaining Pocket Pivots and Buyable Gap-Ups, two key weapons from their arsenal of alternative buying techniques. Come away knowing how to gain an edge in the interpretation of chart patterns, and learn how to spot new leaders during minor market pullbacks, intermediate market corrections, and full blown bear markets. When the market is rising you'll be able to buy into current leaders on market pull backs as well.

11:30 AM/CT to 12:00 NOON/CT - Colin Quina of DTITrader.com on "3 Strategies for Binary Options That You Can Apply This Fall"

Binary options are one of today's fastest growing new trading vehicles. Colin will provide you with a full overview of how binary options provide you with an "all or none" opportunity to profit, based on price crossing a threshold over a specific time frame. Don't miss this session because Colin will then walk you through 3 strategies that are designed for different market conditions.

12:00 NOON/CT to 12:30 PM/CT - John Netto of the TheProteanTrader.com on "The 10 Attributes of a Great Trader"

John Netto, a trader and frequent guest on CNBC, has discovered over the past 20 years that 10 inalienable qualities seem to resonate in those exhibiting consistent success. Join him as he teaches you the 10 attributes that provide a framework for you to operate under in your trading an investing and life as a whole. In 30 minutes, you will learn the system of discipline that enabled John to stay on top of the trading game.

12:30 PM/CT 1:00 PM/CT - Glenn Thompson of Pacific Trading Academy on "Optimal Fibonacci Analysis"

During this segment, Glenn will present concepts critical to improving standard Fibonacci analysis. The relationships derive from the core of Fibonacci theory, and will serve to improve conventional application. If you use Fibonacci, but would like to get more wins and fewer losses, let Glenn show you the refinements and nuances hat have make a big difference in his own trading.

1:00 PM/CT - 1:30 PM/CT - Chuck Williams of Printmoneymakers.com on "How to Trade VSA in Supply and Demand Zones"

Chuck Williams' core trading strategy revolves round the use of Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) in Supply and Demand zones, with trading Channels, Trend Lines and mixing in Currency Index strength versus weakness. It is a unique combination of several methods all into one. Join Chuck as he shows you how he trades VSA in concert with several different price action methods and how the combination of these methods helps him stay profitable in the Forex Market.

1:30 PM/CT to 2:00 PM/CT - Tony Peterson of TheIntentionaltrader.com on "High Probability Pullback Trades"

From years of experience, Tony has found that pullback trades give him that predictable behavior that he can easily build a winning system around. When coupled with indicators that can pinpoint pullbacks precisely, he knows that he can exploit that winning edge confidently and consistently. In this webinar, Tony will cover: The importance of using indicators based on non-correlated information such as price, volume, order flow and more; How to identify high probability set-ups based on the confluence of non-correlated indicators; How simplifying down to just the essentials can bring confidence and consistency to your trading, and more.

Published: 2 Dec 2012 20:16 ET
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