A: The Market Direction Model (MDM) has achieved a triple digit percentage return since a major change was made about 5 years ago. All details provided HERE.
Since we launched the service in 2010, we have a history of guiding members into stocks and ETFs that offer the most upside relative to risk. This includes gold and bitcoin while moving the Market Direction Model to a sell signal before the COVID crash in March 2020.
Some examples from 2020 showing how we averted the crash then profited on the recovery:

Specifically, here are some ways you might find our services useful:
1) Our stock selection strategy uses proprietary screens to pinpoint those stocks with the strongest risk/reward ratio which includes a stock's fundamentals and technicals, then we issue real-time reports when they trigger pocket pivot points, buyable gap ups, low volume dry up formations, undercut & rallies, or other types of risk/reward favorable buy points. This means that, over time, we may catch an important stock that even one who excels at finding excellent stocks at proper buy points may have overlooked.
One stock can make a big difference if that stock is a future leader, so we tend to focus on quality over quantity especially in this post-COVID environment where certain industry groups will shine. The number of reports issued is market dependent, but we instead focus on the best of the best rather than sending out numerous reports on many stocks which serve little purpose except to distract one's portfolio from focusing on the best names. Throughout his career, William O'Neil typically only held 3 to 4 stocks in total during strong bull markets. FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS.
2) Our market timing strategy - Market Direction Model (MDM) - has outperformed the major averages over both bull and bear market cycles, though remains flexible to changing markets as the only constant when it comes to markets is change. Even during highly volatile markets such as during the March 2020 crash, it profited close to +40%, and has done well in bear market years such as 2022 going short at the right times. The model is good at picking its spots as one can see from the performance graph below. It is willing to hold for longer periods to avoid getting whipsawed to capture larger gains as the market can swing widely at times, but it is still sensitive to potential sharp drops in the market which is why it was handsomely profitable in a year such as 2008.
It also may stay in cash if an unusually high potential downside risk presents as has been the case recently. Second order effects from the economic lockdown will be pronounced, but due to unlimited liquidity, any sharp corrections in the market will likely be buyable entry points for the model in our benchmark TECL which is tech-centric thus will benefit from the post-COVID environment where work-from-home, online shopping, healthcare, AI, virtual reality (VR/AR/MR), and other transformational technologies will greatly benefit.
3) Our webinar service discusses the general market as well as potential buy candidates and shortable stocks, and provides a forum where members can ask us directly about stocks, crypto, and investing in general. Outside of the webinar service, we are unable to offer personalized investment advice on an individual basis for compliance reasons.
4) Our Short Sale Set Ups service pinpoints downside pivot points for shorting stocks.
5) Our VooDoo reports which contain offbeat ideas on stocks and ETNs that, despite their massive potential, may have been sorely overlooked.Note: Our crypto reports and crypto picks sections have guided crypto investors safely to the sidelines during bear market years such as 2018 and 2022 while outperforming in prior years.
Our complete list of services are shown here: https://www.virtueofselfishinvesting.com/our-services
To get a sense of the style and frequency of our reports, go HERE.Should you have any questions, feel free to write to us.
Best Wishes for continued successful investing,
Dr. Chris Kacher
Managing Director
MoKa Investors, LLC DBA Virtue of Selfish Investing
Gil Morales
Managing Director
MoKa Investors, LLC DBA Virtue of Selfish Investing