Back when we first conceived of the idea of a "VooDoo Report" that would cover some of my most offbeat ideas, the concept was valid since this was, after all, a very
offbeat market. The report was intended to discuss things like undercut & rally set-ups, both of the price and moving-average persuasion, and other odd Ugly Duckling set-ups and the like. The problem now is that the offbeat has become
mainstream for this market, and that is why we recently initiated Undercut & Rally Reports as part of our mix of regular Real-Time Reports. Meanwhile, the VooDoo Report hasn't had a lot to talk about, although it was never intended to be a report that would be published at regular or even frequent internals. The market situation necessitates a change.
Therefore, the VooDoo Report must evolve and adapt as well. Henceforth, it will focus on voodoo pullbacks that I believe merit attention, as well as one of the more offbeat phenomena of this market - the 360-degree characteristics of many stock charts as they flip from long set-ups to short set-ups, and from short-set-ups to long set-ups, and how distinguishing between the two works in real-time. This was the case with my discussion of
Cameco (CCJ) yesterday. It first started the day out as a potential long as it came into its 10-day moving average with volume decreasing early in the day but only slightly. It eventually broke below the 10-day line, and is moving lower as I write.

Also, if members have suggestions for off-beat topics they would like me to discuss (and if necessary I may drag Dr. K in as well) they can feel free to email us at If I feel they have merit, and I have something meaningful to say about the suggested topic, it will be discussed as part of the VoSI VooDoo Report.
Gil Morales
January 2021
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