Major averages fell yesterday but managed to close in the upper half of their respective trading ranges as Greece's debt woes were seen as less of an issue as the day wore on. Volume was higher than Friday's levels but below average.
Because the markets staged a strong second half to the day, a number of stocks had actionable buy points. Nevertheless, some of the major averages are below their respective 50dmas so any buying should be made with caution. Of course, in this QE-manipulated market, such dips are often shallow floors for markets. Futures are currently lower on continued concerns over the Greek debt situation and the upcoming Fed meeting which concludes this Wednesday at 2pm EDT.
Pharmacy benefit management service company Diplomat Pharmacy (DPLO) had a pocket pivot. Earnings are accelerating, institutional sponsorship has grown in the 2 quarters since the company went public, group rank 16.
Pharmaceutical company Cambrex (CBM) had a pocket pivot breakout. Earnings are accelerating, group rank 38.
Fiber optic company Infineon (INFN) had a pocket pivot. Earnings are soaring, group rank 5.
Online customized marketing product company Cimpress (CMPR) had a pocket pivot through its 50dma. Earnings are soaring, ROE 48.6%.
Lighting products maker Acuity Brands (AYI) had a pocket pivot. Earnings are accelerating, group rank 14.
Ambarella (AMBA) is currently at 120.51 at the time of the report we emailed out yesterday and has been enjoying what is probably an intermediate term climax top. Members were notified of its pocket pivot at 75.63. Keep stops tight as climax tops end in a surge of volatility.
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